Steering Rack Problems
When you drive a car, whether you’re making a left turn, a right turn, or a U-turn, these maneuvers are controlled by a key component – the steering rack. The steering rack translates your steering maneuvers into turning the wheels, allowing the vehicle to steer as you intend. It is an integral part of your car’s steering system, ensuring you can drive safely and accurately. Common Steering Rack Problems 1. Heavy Steering When you are operating your car’s steering wheel, it feels like you need more force than usual to turn the wheel, and it feels like a lot of effort. Here are some reasons: 2. Intermittent Heavy Steering When driving a car, if the steering sometimes feels heavy and sometimes feels normal, you can consider the facts: The unstable work of the power steering pump, which is an important component in providing steering wheel assistance, once it is malfunctioning